6 thoughts on “Pools of Water

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  6. I rent a house in South Richmond and had my water and gas turned off three weeks ago. Earlier this year, I contacted the Dept. of Utilities and explained that I couldn’t afford to make the payments. What did they do? They set up a payment plan which added more money to what I couldn’t afford. Since I couldn’t make the payments, I have to wait another year before I qualify for another payment plan.

    I do not qualify for state assistance because I make $100 more than maximum poverty line. I barter for food, have no computer or internet service (can’t afford it), and no medical insurance. I pray that I can keep enough money in my checking account for gas to get to work. (GRTC doesn’t provide service to Innsbrook.) Getting to a nearby library to look for a better paying job, or even a second job) is out of the question because that uses gas. I relied on RCAP for a one-time emergency assistance, so I cannot ask for their assistance again.

    In order for both services to be turned on again, I have to come up with over $800-more than one paycheck- by October 11 or the City is sending me to collections. If I pay as much as I can with my upcoming paycheck, I won’t be able to pay rent or put gas in my car to get to work. I’ve asked family and friends for assistance, and for financial reasons no one is able to help.

    Does anyone have any recommendations for where I can turn for assistance?

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