Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Blogger Tour

This morning I joined some other community bloggers on a tour of Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. I have mentioned before the Grace Arents- Ginter connection. Anyway, as the pictures below attest, it was pretty fun. Please keep the Lewis Ginter in mind for future excursions- they have an urban farming forum coming up on August 4th. Thanks to Jonah for the tour!

This first picture is of Jonah leading tour. It is in front of a “demonstration garden” for a much larger planting that is designed to produce 10,000 pounds of veggies for the Richmond Food Bank. (It’s easy to volunteer to help with this effort!)

Food blogger ('Carmalized Opinions')/activist Jason Guard and his kid Jasper in the butterfly exhibit.

Food blogger ('Carmalized Opinions')/activist Jason Guard and his kid Jasper in the butterfly exhibit.


I didn't think this kid was going to eat the butterfly, but better safe than sorry.