Oregon Hill Park, 1888

From The Daily Times, May 22, 1888

A Desirable Improvement Completed

It is expected that there will be held a meeting this week of the City Finance Committee to consider appropriation of $3,500 for the purchase of, and beautifying, the proposed new park on Oregon Hill. This land begins at Hollywood on the Canal bank, and runs parallel with it eastwardly to Church street. It embraces a large square adjoining Hollywood, the strip along the slope of the hill overlooking the river and a large square at Church street. Terraced and beautiful with shade trees, but it will be as pretty a park as any in the city, and one that the people in this populous section want. People entering the city over the Petersburg bridge and by the Alleghany road will be struck with the beauty of the slope, which, while proving an ornamentation to the section, will enhance the value of all the property in the neighborhood.

3 thoughts on “Oregon Hill Park, 1888

  1. Very interesting find, Scott! This is excellent documentation that Oregon Hill’s park is one of the oldest in the city. The park was later expanded in 1924 to include the area adjacent to the 700 block of Laurel and the 800 block of Riverside Park.

  2. Pingback: ‘Virginia Jesus’ Bird Sighting In Park ‹ Oregon Hill

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