VCU Student Neighborhood Clean Up Campaign This Saturday

Culled from email announcements:

The Student Government Association (SGA) of Virginia Commonwealth University is holding a neighborhood clean up for four neighborhoods on Saturday. Volunteers will meet at Monroe Park at 9 AM for a rally to kick off this event. Debbie Anderson (OHNA Secretary) will be the Team Captain for the Oregon Hill neighborhood. After the rally, the volunteers will be divided into four groups and return to the neighborhoods for the clean up. At noon, the groups will head to their respective neighborhood’s meeting places for a party. Oregon Hill will be meeting at the William Byrd Community House.

VCU is providing 6 pizzas, 3 boxes of wings, and 3 sodas for the party after the clean up. Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association will be providing plates, napkins, cups, and, maybe, ice.

4 thoughts on “VCU Student Neighborhood Clean Up Campaign This Saturday

  1. What sorts of refuse will be cleaned up? Is there anything residents can do to prepare? Will yard waste be picked up? Will there be trucks?

  2. I don’t think we should be picking up yard waste – that can be placed in bags (up to 6) each week and left with the trash cans for the city to pick up.
    Think we should focus on street, vacant lots and alley trash that doesn’t make it to the trashcans………….

    I am looking for pick up trucks that will roam the neighborhood during this time and take our trash bags to the WBCH that is the trash pick up point. That way we can focus on the clean up!

    ALL Volunteers are welcome, they don’t have to live on Oregon Hill! Also, any ideals on areas that we need to focus on are appreciated. Eail me at so we can co-ordinate.


  3. Pingback: Oregon Hill » Pictures from Neighborhood Cleanup - Richmond, Virginia

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