Hero Performs CPR At Motorcycle Wreck On Belvidere

Yesterday afternoon there was a severe collision between a car and motorcycle at Belvidere and Spring Streets.

From the NBC12 article:

“A woman was driving north on Belvidere when she hit the motorcycle around 3 p.m. while attempting to turn left onto Spring Street, officers said.”

The motorcyclist is in the hospital with life-threatening injuries, but according to reports he is still alive in part due to a good samaritan who stopped and gave the man CPR until paramedics arrived.

Thanks To City Council For Postponing Ordinances On ‘Tredegar Green’

From email:

Dear Honorable Members of the Richmond City Council,

I would like to express my appreciation for the postponement of the Ordinances that would grant Venture Richmond tax exemptions for its “Tredegar Green” amphitheater properties.

Venture Richmond wants exemption from all the rules. It wants to be exempt from having to bid for city contracts, to be exempt from the non-profit prohibition of engaging in substantial lobbying, to be exempt from having to answer all of the questions submitted by the Taxation by Designation Committee, to be exempt from paying real estate taxes, and even to be exempt from the moratorium on exemptions.

As you carefully consider this issue, I would like for you to understand the frustration that the Oregon Hill neighborhood has experienced in dealing with Venture Richmond, which apparently also feels exempt from treating its neighbors and George Washington’s James River and Kanawha Canal with respect. Venture Richmond wants to be exempt from the zoning requirements for its proposed amphitheater at “Tredegar Green,” to be exempt from protecting Oregon Hill and the Va. War Memorial from the noise and parking congestion of events at the amphitheater, and to be exempt from protecting the historic canal from damage so that it can again be a “blueway” westward to Maymont.

Recently Venture Richmond notified the Corps of Engineers that it may withdraw from the Section 106 review of the amphitheater project by the Va. Dept. of Historic Resources if it cannot be exempt from the holding off implementing much of the project before the review is completed.

The “Tredegar Green” amphitheater also includes city property, so it is my hope that the Richmond City Council, when drawing up a revised lease for this city property, will not exempt the significant interests of the community. The Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association and the editorial staff of the Richmond Times Dispatch have endorsed limiting the amphitheater to the properly zoned property below the canal, and this would eliminate any cause to damage the canal and protect the Oregon Hill neighborhood and the Va. War Memorial from excessive noise and parking congestion.

Thank you for your consideration of the needs of the community and for the postponement of the untimely Venture Richmond tax exemption Ordinances during the moratorium on tax exemptions by designation.


Charles Pool

Stock Up at Renegade Market Tuesday (Today!)

From email announcement:

Before the Next Snows Come
Stock Up! Rich vegetable simmers, toothsome fragrant stews, hot baked goodies …
True winter temperatures call for warmth from the kitchen reaching bone-deep to see us through these polar vortex times. Bake something, quick saute. It’s COMFORT we want!
Come by the Renegade Market Tuesday, 3 pm – 5:30 pm

Interested in Vending at Byrd House Market?
The online application can be found on our blog: byrdhousemarket.blogspot.com

Brown Bag Lunch Series at RPL
Don’t know what sustainability means? Wondering about genetically modified organisms? What’s a Farm Fairy? Do you permaculture? These questions are loaded with terminology most of us just may not understand. This is a great time to visit the Lexicon of Sustainability Exhibit at the Richmond Public Library and attend one of two brown bag lunches:
February 20 at Noon: Lexicon of Farmer Sustainability
Kate Ruby, Master Gardener and Manager of the Farmer’s Market at St. Stephen’s Church
February 27 at Noon: Lexicon of GMOs
John Lewis, founding coordinator of Renew Richmond

Ana Edwards, Manager
Byrd House Market & Library Programs
Grace Arents Library & Education Center
William Byrd Community House
/ 804.643.2717 ext.306