Sierra Club Asks For Monroe Park Pledge

The Sierra Club Falls of the James Executive Committee sent this public request today (Disclosure: I am a member of the SCFOJ Executive Committee and actually wrote the following):

The Sierra Club Falls of the James Executive Committee, recognizing VCU’s representation on the Monroe Park Conservancy board, respectfully asks for a public pledge to keep, at the very least, the same amount of mature trees and natural shade canopy as what is currently in Monroe Park. Given some past Monroe Park proposals, we believe this public pledge is necessary. We also request a careful inventory of the current mature trees, and ask to be notified before any are removed. While it is understandable that dead and dying trees may need removal and replacement, it is vital that Richmond retain valuable urban green resources. City trees, and groups of trees, are extremely important to offsetting downtown’s heat island effect, creating a habitat for birds, supplying a calming presence on human beings, and offsetting climate change caused by global warming.

We also note that Monroe Park has been a historic place of public gathering and political protest, and we request that the Monroe Park Conservancy continue to allow these important civic activities. The ACLU of Virginia recently sent a letter that raises questions on these points in regard to the City’s Monroe Park lease.

Lastly, it is also worth noting City Councilperson Parker Agelasto’s resolution, adopted by City Council, to work with the Conservancy to expand the board, and consider requesting an increase in the membership of the board to include a.) the Director of the city Parks Dept.; b.) a representative from the city’s Urban Forestry Division; c.) a representative of the Falls of the James Sierra Club; d.) representatives of the neighborhoods near the park that rely on the park as a fundamental community resource.

Wire Work

There has been a lot of rumors about some of the telecommunications wire work going on in the neighborhood.

I received this from a neighbor (posted with permission):

So, I spoke to the technicians working in the neighborhood and they confirmed that we are indeed getting residential fiber (Verison calls it FIOS) installed to our houses. Obviously, this is voluntary. They’re just building out the capacity to provide the service if you want it, because their franchise agreement with the city requires them to do so, and they’ve fallen behind.

FYI- If you switch to FIOS from your old copper phone line, and begin purchasing phone service over the FIOS line, they may try to remove your old copper lines. This is to prevent you from going back to copper, or to use any other service provider.

In reality, they are required by law to reinstall your copper lines (at no charge to you) if they remove them.

Just keep in mind that Verizon may try to get you to bundle all your services into some plan that is delivered via FIOS, remove your copper lines, and then make it difficult for you to get out of that arrangement.

This is interesting, given some of the past appeals and speculation.