St. Andrew’s Church To Host Labyrinth Walk in Pleasants Park On Wednesday

From email announcement:

On Wednesday evening, November 2, St. Andrew’s will host an All Souls’ Labyrinth Walk in Pleasants Park (editor’s note: corner of Laurel and Albemarle). Please feel free to stop by any time between 5 pm and 7 pm. It is an invitation to walk in quiet remembrance of and thanksgiving for the ancestors who have gone before us to light the way.

Walking a labyrinth is one of the oldest contemplative practices for prayer and pilgrimage found in faith traditions around the world. Labyrinths may have been in existence as early as 3,500 to 4,500 BCE.

The labyrinth will be set up from 5 to 7pm for those who would like to walk it, and we will have hot chocolate and cookies for those who join us.

Reverend Abbott Bailey

Halloween Parade Video

When I first met David Martin, I was not sure what to think. But over time he has devoted many, many hours photographing, video-ing, and documenting stuff around RVA, probably more so than even Silver Persinger. He has done a lot of it for free, including many events for the local Sierra Club. Anyway, he did his best to capture the Halloween parade last night, so I am giving him a plug here. Contact David for a paying gig- he does wedding photography also.

Hope everyone had a great Halloween! Special thanks to St. Andrew’s for sponsoring the Jack O’ Lantern contest and to All The Saints Theater for yet another great parade!