10 Years of OregonHill.net and A Salute To John Murden

10 years ago on this date, John Murden created the first post for this website, a mention of a YouTube profile of Pine Street resident, Nathan Motley.

Murden started OregonHill.net because he saw the potential of community news sites after doing his Church Hill People’s News site for a while and wanted to help create more sites for more neighborhoods. In turn, this also played into the aggregation of these sites for RVAnews.com and today, SmallRichmond.com

At the time, as President of the Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association, I was very interested in this because I was dealing with a very public controversy regarding VCU’s plans to encroach further into Oregon Hill. While the neighborhood had its own email discussion list (still going, by the way) and a rudimentary website for the neighborhood association, the new OregonHill.net allowed the neighborhood to have its own voice and respond to some of VCU-slanted media coverage. My own first post on this site was August 18, 2007 about Oregon Hill Home Improvement Council volunteers.

Anyway, part of the reason to mention all this is that John Murden has announced that he is planning to step down as editor of the Church Hill People’s News site at the end of the year. Of course, we wish him the best and salute him for all he has done for Church Hill and Richmond in general.

As for the future of OregonHill.net, we shall see. After writing over 4,000 posts, I would welcome new contributors or even assistant editors for the website. I have had a few in the past, but as Murden knows, not everyone sticks with it. More community advertising support would also be welcome.

Yard Sale Tomorrow

From Craigslist ad:

A few neighbors getting together to offer up some cool stuff and great deals!

Saturday, 8am until around 1 – we will have:

Housewares – including some vintage
Books – including a lot of graphic novels
Rowing machine
Cassette tape duplicators – 3 of them!
Some steampunk craft supplies – oddball metal stuff
Old Powerlite Industries stunt bike
Small selection of great kids toys – a lot of new solar toy kits, remote control odds and ends, some crafty things
A pair of Made in England Doc Martens (black boots, mens US size 12)
Clothes – some interesting stuff, most $1 each
Linens – Pottery Barn, etc.

Definitely lots of interesting stuff!

The address is 515 S. Pine.

Need More Personal Responsibility For Alley Trash

This photo looks down the alley between the 600 block of S. Laurel and S.Cherry.
Trash and recycling trucks already went through on Wednesday. This photo was from after that.

Dear landlords and tenants,

The citizens of Richmond need you to take more responsibility for your refuse. I know some of you think that taxes are only good for two things, fire protection and refuse collection, but the truth is that OUR taxes also pay for things like police, schools, parks, etc. When the City spends all of its money picking up at the end of your leases, it can take away from other priorities.

While I appreciate efforts to improve the City’s services, you have a personal responsibility to make a point of either taking your excess to the dump, or, at the very least, scheduling a ‘bulk refuse’ pickup with the City. Just leaving it out in the alley, no matter how neatly, is not the neighborly thing to do. Let’s do better.
