
From an interesting history blogpost about November 26, 1910:


At about 3p.m., John Moisant took off from the Fair Grounds in his Blériot monoplane. He circled the city, even flying over the Virginia State Penitentiary at the request of the Richmond Times-Dispatch to entertain the 1,200 inmates inside. Many other spectators gathered on Oregon Hill to watch the “Man-Bird” in action overhead.

Trash/Recycling Pickup Tomorrow

This Wednesday is a red Wednesday, which means trash and recycling pickup. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night. They do not belong on the sidewalk after tomorrow night. Please also keep in mind that the City is supposed to be doing leaf removal and street cleaning this week.

In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.

A new study that surveyed top companies is offering proof of successful sustainable manufacturing efforts:

Companies said they pursued sustainable manufacturing efforts largely because of customer demand. The media attention and awards these companies garnered for their sustainable manufacturing efforts, in turn, helped build consumer trust and brand loyalty.

Companies surveyed gained more than consumer loyalty. Many reported saving money and using fewer resources through physical waste, water, energy and sustainable manufacturing initiatives.

Open High Threatened By Binford Middle School Proposal

The Richmond School Board is considering Binford Middle School’s future. One of the four proposals that have been presented to the public is to move Open High School into the Binford building in the Fan and add three middle school grades to the program.

The district will host three community engagement meetings to allow the public to share their views regarding the proposed options for the future of Binford Middle School.


Community Light Parade and InLight on Friday

From this week’s Style magazine:

Coinciding with 1708 Gallery’s annual InLight Richmond public exhibition of light-based art, the Community Lantern Parade will illuminate Monroe Park on Friday, Nov. 21. The community art project, curated by Denise Markonish from the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, will feature performances, sculpture, large-format projections and interactive projects by artists and collectives from across the country. It will turn the five-sided park into an incandescence hub of visual activity. Best of all, along with projects by the Daily Planet, Art on Wheels and Art 180, you can bring your own lantern to join the fun. The free, family-friendly florescent festivities run from at 7 to midnight.

For more information, visit 1708 Gallery’s webpage by clicking here.