Survey of Cherry Street (What Now, Victory Rug?)

The Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association (OHNA) has repeatedly pointed out that the 400 block of S. Cherry is too narrow to support parking on both sides of the street as proposed by the Victory Apartments Special Use Permit application. The VDOT minimum standard is 28 feet for a residential street with parking on both sides. This land survey definitely shows that the street is too narrow for parking on both sides of the street, narrowing from 26.41 feet at the Victory Rug building to 23.23 feet at the top of the hill.

4 thoughts on “Survey of Cherry Street (What Now, Victory Rug?)

  1. Sad to see a group of otherwise urban enviros playground taunting and going to these lengths to keep their “free” street parking. You’re acting like OH is a cul de sac in Henricofield.

  2. I think it’s more about making sure this development comes under the right zoning and that emergency vehicles can actually make it up the street.

  3. The Victory Apartments are proposing to provide only 8 off-street parking spaces for a 29 bedroom development. And even these 8 spaces don’t meet the code requirements for full sized vehicles. Parking is already tight in Oregon Hill because of our proximity to VCU. Basically the developer is trying to cram too many units into that building.

  4. I live near Victory rug cleaning. You have no idea how many times I get woken up by truck drivers early in the morning because they can’t make the turn onto Cherry at Spring and they have to get people to move their cars. I definitely oppose this development, it will only make things worse.

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