Supporting My Neighbors

Someone knocked on my door and told me something was happening Tuesday that I should be aware of, and then I heard a few things from the television also….

I do know that I support and endorse my neighbor from the Overlook condos, Maurice Henderson, for another term on the Richmond School Board. While I recognize that Henderson angered many of the Patrick Henry charter school parents with some blunt antics that I agree are troubling and questionable, and I really do appreciate that that he does have serious competition from challenger Mamie Taylor, I believe he is the best qualified and suited for the position. I have seen him diligently work first hand to improve standards. I am hoping that with a second term he will become even more outspoken in challenging the Richmond leadership to improve the public schools.

I also support my Pine Street neighbor, former roommate, and longtime friend Silver Persinger in yet another political campaign for office. If you are not aware of Silver’s political activities and some of the things he has accomplished with his citizen advocacy, then you have not been paying attention. This time, he is running for Mayor as a write-in. With the new electronic machines, its pretty easy to do a write-in vote, and hopefully they might actually be secure and accurate with your vote (though I have my concerns).

As for our incumbent Mayor, I have supported him in the past. And while I have applauded certain efforts, I looked down at others, and wonder how much he is considering the big picture. I support Silver, but also remain hopeful that Jones’ second term will be bring better things.

I am looking forward to new representation on City Council, but beyond that, I will leave you with the thought that my personal choices for President and Vice President were not even allowed in the Presidential and Vice Presidential debates, which should tell you something about how disappointed I am with our nation’s politics these days, no matter who is visiting us.

For voting information, you can click here. Oregon Hill’s polling site is Clark Springs Elementary.

2 thoughts on “Supporting My Neighbors

  1. By “best qualified and suited for the position”, does this include giving an “amen” to whatever Yvonne Brandon says or does? He has had one role and that has been to be her cheerleader. He has to go and she has to go in order for education to truly improve in this city.

  2. Actually I meant in terms of past experience and ability, but your criticism is noteworthy and I thank you for the input. I hope that perception of one role can change with a second term.

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