Mayor Wants To Take Away Park Land For ‘Affordable Housing’

Mayor Stoney’s Biennial Real Estate Strategies Plan wants to use city land to promote affordable housing development and affordable homeownership.
To that end, it proposes taking City-owned parcels to the Maggie Walker Community Land Trust (MWCLT) for the development of affordable homes.

It is including at least two parcels in Oregon Hill’s Samuel Parsons Park in this proposal.

(and least people think this just about Oregon Hill, the Biennial Estate Strategies Plan also identifies other city park lands such as 1800 Maplewood in the Randolph neighborhood and 1901-1905 Conrad Street in the East End as building sites.)

Neighbors, understandably, are very upset. But so far, either the Mayor’s office, other City officials, the media, and the Mayor’s challengers in the election are ignorant of the proposal or don’t care.

Of course, many neighbors believe in and support affordable housing, and have done so historically in Oregon Hill and elsewhere.

But this proposal is bringing up bad memories from when other parts of the park were built on due to City government’s (and in particular, the Planning Department’s) ineptitude and callousness.

It’s part of the utter disregard for established neighborhood plans and the neighborhood’s dream for a Belvidere greenway.

Neighbors can’t help but see this as part of a coordinated attack on the Oregon Hill neighborhood in conjunction with the disastrous Richmond300 plan. If they were not aware of the target lines being drawn on the community before, they are becoming aware now.

3 thoughts on “Mayor Wants To Take Away Park Land For ‘Affordable Housing’

  1. As a life long RVA resident, who can certainly relate to the LACK of AFFORDABLE HOUSING in the area, I am thrilled at this idea. This endeavor certainly will definitely help. There is still PLENTY of open recreation spaces within the city for residents to enjoy. Rent prices are staggeringly high and wages haven’t seemed to increase. And, forget about working multiple jobs to make ends meet to make a $1000 rent payment. Good for you Mr. Mayor!!!!

  2. Dear Ms Ebert

    Please send me, as soon as possible, a confirmation letter that states that all four park properties listed on the Biennial Real Estate report have been removed for consideration of development.
    It is urgent I receive these soon before I take further action to block such illegal activity.

    Thank you so much,

    Charles Woodson, President
    Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association

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