Missing Cat Named Prince

Neighbor on the 300 block of S. Laurel has a missing cat named Prince.

Please send a message to this website if you see him.

Lost Keys On Albemarle Street

From a resident:

I lost my keys and have been searching for the last two days since then. I have no clue where they might be. I figured I’d post on here in case they fell onto the street. It has my car and house key, but what I’m mainly upset about is that it had my cats ashes on it. The lanyard looks like this, and I live on albemarle by the dead end. It should have three black keys, this silver ashes thingy, a couple small keys, and a kroger card. If anyone sees them please please please message me. I’ve already searched my entire house, car, all my pockets and bags, etc so I really am just posting as a last hope

Zeus Is Missing

Saw this posted:

MISSING!!! missing from Hollywood Cemetery area since this morning. Very good dog, sweet, not aggressive. Goes by the name of Zeus. Please share.
Call or message 8049057973 with any info please

Update as of 6/6- heard the dog has been found.