Play Ball! 100 Years Of Baseball in Virginia At War Memorial

Tomorrow night, April 16, the Virginia War Memorial is holding a special event that starts at 6:30 pm.

Come to the War Memorial on April 16 to celebrate the long history of baseball in Virginia!

Join local experts and fellow baseball fans as we discover the intertwined history of baseball and World War I from the Virginia National Guard Command Historian Al Barnes. Al will also be available during the event to personalize copies of his brand new book “Play Ball! Doughboys and Baseball in the Great War.”

Jump forward to today with the Richmond Flying Squirrels’ Todd “Parney” Parnell, to learn how the Squirrels are redefining baseball in Richmond today. Come ready to ask questions and learn, and see a variety of baseball artifacts spanning back through a century.

This family-friendly event is FREE and open to the public, and baseball-themed snacks will be available for purchase!

Al Barnes, Virginia Army National Guard Command Historian
Todd Parnell (Parney), Chief Operating Officer and Vice President, Richmond Flying Squirrels
James Triesler, VWM Director of Education
