Scenes From The Launch of RVA GREEN

The sun literally came out…

More photos on the Sierra Club Falls of the James’ blog site.

And now for some editorializin’….

With this, Mayor Jones shows that he gets it.

As with stormwater and bicycle initiatives, the City of Richmond is leading the whole region.

Yes, there are always be a need for tweaking plans and there will be hiccups that need addressing (including moving from “Big Energy” to “Local Energy“), but today a lot of folks are proud to call themselves Richmonders.

An Invitation to Experience Holy Week at St. Andrew’s Church

From St. Andrews Church announcement:

Maundy Thursday, 7:00 pm.
Footwashing, Eucharist, Night Watch at Gethsemane. “On this night of love and betrayal, suffering and hope, Jesus beckons us to learn to pour back into the world the love that embraces, forgives, and attends to suffering in all its forms.”

Good Friday, 7:00 pm.
Prayers, Devotions at the Cross, Communion from the Reserve Sacrament. “The Good Friday liturgy is an invitation to us to join with brothers and sisters around the world and through the ages in learning to love and be loved in the face of our deepest fears and the world’s deepest pain…”

Great Vigil of Easter, Saturday, 7:00 pm.
Dark, Light, Stories, Baptisms, Incense, Eucharist.
“Can it be true? Can life really explode from the grave? This is the night we celebrate Christ’s ever-burning, life-giving, redemptive light given to all creation.”

Easter Sunday:
Joint “Sunrise” service at Pine Street Baptist, 8:30 a.m.
Breakfast and egg hunt, 9:30am, St. Andrew’s House (236 S. Laurel)
Feast of the Resurrection, 11 a.m., church.

Child care is available at all services.

City Press Release: Mayor Jones to Launch Sustainability Planning Process for City

From the press release:

Mayor Jones to Launch Sustainability Planning Process for City
~ Community forum scheduled for June 9 ~

WHO: Mayor Dwight C. Jones
Alicia Zatcoff, Sustainability Manager
Advisory Committee Members

WHAT: Press Conference to launch the City’s sustainability planning process and announce Mayor’s Green Government Order

WHEN: Thursday, April 21, 2011
1:00 p.m.

WHERE: Brown’s Island Vehicular Access Bridge


The city of Richmond released the results of its first greenhouse gas emissions inventory last year. Mayor Jones announced at that time that the next step would be to mobilize and engage the community to help the City develop a comprehensive Sustainability Plan. As Earth Day approaches, Mayor Jones will launch the City’s comprehensive sustainability planning process and announce his Green Government Order.

A couple of quick notes:

The location for tomorrow’s press conference is right in front of the Tredegar Civil War Visitors Center. Parking is there for those who need it.

You may want to re-familiarize yourself with the City’s Sustainability department website:
Without a doubt, there have been some impressive steps taken already.

Earlier this week, I attended the first meeting of the City of Richmond Green City Commission, which has its own mandate for ‘greening’ Richmond.
Next meeting for the Commission is scheduled for June 6 at 1 pm, place TBA. I think this Commission will be more publicly involved than the previous Green Building Advisory Commission.

Last week I attended a Green Events Meeting that included Zatcoff and other City employees, as well as folks from Sports Backers and Venture Richmond. Hopefully, I will have more information to share from that group over time.

Style Runs Story On Homeless Woman’s Hoard

A story appeared today on Style Magazine’s website in regard to a pile of a woman’s accumulation of stuff near Hollywood Cemetery. Click here for the story.

According to police and residents, for most of the last four years, the woman (Style Weekly isn’t using her name) has kept a collection of odds and ends in the backyards and vacant lots of Oregon Hill, sometimes with residents’ permission.

Six months ago, she placed several pallets of things in Samuel P. Parsons Park. After receiving complaints, police told her to move her stuff. She then transferred her possessions to a tarp-covered pile, perhaps 25 feet long, on the edge of the Hollywood Cemetery parking lot.

VCU Earth Day in Monroe Park this Friday

From the Facebook page:

For the fourth consecutive year VCU will be celebrating Earth Day! This year the event will be held on the Commons Plaza between the Student Commons and Harris Hall.

The focal point of Earth Day this year is will be to showcase the sustainable campus initiatives that have been completed or are currently ongoing. Come learn about what’s going on with transportation, energy, green buildings, resident life, recycling, stormwater management (to protect the James River and Chesapeake Bay), dining and composting, academic programs, procurement, and our Climate Action Plan (CAP), VCU’s plan for to become climate neutral by 2050. Meet the people bringing you these changes and learn from the source!

There will be catered food, herb and vegetable seedling giveaways, informational tables, and potentially a few really exciting surprises we can’t give away just yet!

Rough Weekend On Laurel Street

A neighbor asked me to report that, around 4 am Sunday morning, a driver side swept 3 cars on the 400 block of S. Laurel Street.

The culprit was likely driving a black car which is now probably missing large pieces from the door and/or fender and a long piece of silver trim, likely from a door. The damage is in the thousands of dollars.

A similar incident happened only a few months ago in the same place on Laurel Street but that driver was caught then.

Also, it looks like the SynerGeo building was tagged with graffiti again.

If anyone knows anything, please report to the Richmond Police non-emergency number, (804) 646-5100, or this website.