9 thoughts on “Campaign Sign

  1. The words “Living Wage” conjure up warm and fuzzy feelings of fairness. Sure, the individual that gets that job may do okay. But with the employer paying that employee more than he is worth, the employer is prevented from bringing on other employees. Sadly, these living wage campaigns hurt young and less skilled people the most. Even though unemployment rates have been sluggishly improving over the past few years, unemployment among teens and twenty-somethings has been abnormally high. The best policy is to allow the employer to pay employees what they are worth without government regulation (ie, minimum wage or living wage). Free markets work best when the government allows employers to produce and make their own decisions.

  2. twitter_ilramsey:

    You should like totally start a company and pay everyone the same salary and pay them full benefits….what are you waiting for?

    Also, if I were POTUS, i would totally make the internet illegal….look at all the postal services jobs that are being lost to e-mail and online bill pay….it’s like these workers have no fair pay because they have no job…it’s like not right! We need to do more!!!

  3. If people would view these jobs for what they are designed for, which is as a starter job or job of last resort, the minimum wage would make for sense. For those who have never worked before it is a chance to get some experience in the workforce. I’ve known minimum wage workers who now manage and own restaurants. If you are unemployed, working at any job makes you more employable and for you provides some income, which is a lot better than no income.

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